• All questions about ordering

    • How can I place an order?

      After completing the registration form on our site and becoming a member, you can start creating orders.

    • How can I pay?

      You can pay by credit card, debit card and bank account.

    • I can't pay by Credit Card or Debit Card.

      Make sure your card limit is sufficient. Make sure that your credit or debit card is open for online shopping. Make sure that your credit or debit card is open for overseas purchases.

  • Shopping information

  • Payment information

    • How can I place an order?

      After completing the registration form on our site and becoming a member, you can start creating orders.

    • How can I pay?

      You can pay by credit card, debit card and bank account.

    • I can't pay by Credit Card or Debit Card.

      Make sure your card limit is sufficient. Make sure that your credit or debit card is open for online shopping. Make sure that your credit or debit card is open for overseas purchases.

    • I want to make a payment to the bank account.

      You can do this by selecting the payment method to the bank account during payment. When your order is finalised, you will be shown the bank account information you need to pay, do not forget to write your order number in the description section when transferring money.

  • Returns and other processes

    You can find answers to all your questions about returning the products you purchased from our company here.

    More information
    • Is there a refund?

      If the wrong product is sent or the expired product is sent, a new product is sent to you or a refund is made. Sometimes, due to the customs laws of the countries, the products that do not pass through the customs areas or are not received by the customer are returned to our company. In such cases, no refund is made, such problems are not caused by our company, the responsibility of our company ends when the product enters the customs area of the country where the product is ordered.

    • Wrong Product Arrived What Should I Do?

      It will be enough to report the situation by contacting us via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or e-mail and we will initiate the necessary work to solve the problem.

    • How Should I Use the Products?

      The product page contains information on how to use the product and who cannot use it.

    • Are There Side Effects of the Products?

      Since they are natural products, there are no general side effects, but people may have allergic and other reactions to some substances, so carefully examine the product ingredients and instructions for use before use.